We would like to thank the following for making our expedition possible:

Monday 7 September 2009

Topping out on the Wills Brown Couloir

Look for the obvious line in the centre of the photo and that'd be the couloir... about grade 4. 6 pitches of 60m (3 of 70-80 degree ice). Height at top of route 4242m.


Massive huuge thanks must go out to the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust, the Mount Everest Foundation, Expedition Foods and Sam at Wykeham Adventure Sports for making this all happen, we couldn't have done without your financial support, excellent kit and high energy sustenance (hurrah for Biscuit Fruit/Brown!).

It was an adventure, an incredible experience and it has definitely whetted all our appetites for more expeditions in the future. Indeed; it was brill!


Thursday 3 September 2009

Back from the ooloo

Well it's been an interesting few weeks.... we've chugged along dirt tracks, truck-surfed, been turfed out of our intended climbing area by hunters, ended up in the Western Kok Shaal Too, then At Bashi range, clambered a lot above 4-5000m by a variety of means and set a few rather ace routes on snow, ice and rock.

The mountains have been spectacular, the locals friendly (ooh, except for the hunters...), the fermented mare's milk lip-smackingly good (wouldn't you agree Vanessa :)) and we've managed to have a great laugh on the way (not always that dignified I'm afraid).

Photos take years to download here. So wait out until I get back to the UK and I'll post some shots up for all to enjoy.

It's been excellent everyone. Cheers for such good times :).